News from the Drama Studio

Over February half term and the first week of March the studio lighting and sound systems were updated for drama. This means that we can now fully offer lighting design and full performance options for our students whilst remaining economical and green. All of the old lighting was removed and replaced with economical LED lighting meaning our students have more options to offer at GCSE as well as helping do our bit towards the environment and running costs.
One of the first uses of the updated space was a performance by Katch 22 Theatre Company. On Tuesday 8th March the theatre came to Soar Valley College when all of Year 11 had the chance to watch a performance of J.B. Priestley’s ‘An Inspector Calls’. The play is an exam text for GCSE English literature, and explores important ideas about social responsibility, generational conflict and gender inequality. Following the hour long performance, the actors led a 30 minute question and answer session. Both our staff and Katch 22 were impressed with the quality of these questions.
Year 11s found the performance both useful and entertaining. Kiran (11.6) wrote this short review:
“This production was remarkable and entertaining. It was an amazing opportunity which was useful and educational. It allowed us to use the performance as a revision tool in English literature. The questions asked and the answers received were informative and practical. It gave us a broader understanding and perspective on ‘An Inspector Calls’. The performers’ contextual insights provided us with knowledge which we’ll be able to apply in the summer.”
Over the half term we also invited The Paper Birds Theatre Company in to work with our Year 11 drama students on their final exam pieces. Paper Birds are a company known for their boundary pushing theatre and creative work using physical theatre, props, projection and puppets to tell stories from different viewpoints. It has been a fantastic way to work with the Year 11 students and provided some fantastic opportunities to work with theatre professionals.