Author Visit

Students from Year 7 and Year 8 recently got the chance to hear from Cath Howe, author of How to be Me. This book is one of 12 on this year’s Reading Rampage scheme – a book award and reading challenge for schools across Leicestershire. Students from various schools in the area, including about 30 keen readers from Soar Valley, took part in an online event where Cath Howe told them about her experiences as an author, and answered lots of questions about her life and her work.
How to be Me follows the story of Lucas, a nervous boy who ends up joining a drama club and finding his confidence. Cath told students about her experiences that contributed to the story, shared some of her favourite reads, and gave some brilliant advice for aspiring authors. Students from Soar Valley were particularly keen to find out about her inspirations!
More of the authors involved in Reading Rampage will be delivering talks like this one over the coming weeks and months. There is still plenty of time for students to take part in Reading Rampage; they can find out more at the library, where the books are all available to borrow.